Parent Guide
Childcare Vouchers and tax-free payments
Both of our preferred venues are registered with Ofsted giving you that extra reassurance that we have signed up to comply with the very best childcare regulations. It also means that we are able to accept Childcare vouchers; something that any parent earning between the national minimum wage (16 hours) and £100,000pa can apply for. For more information on how you can save £2 for every £10 spent please visit: GOV.UK
All Stars at St Paul's - setting number 2519743 - HR1 1UX
All Stars at Holmer - setting number 2598085 - HR4 9RX
You can pay your full balance using childcare vouchers and this is an option on the booking form. We ask that payments are processed within two weeks of booking or at the time of booking if within two weeks to the start of the holidays. Please be aware that some voucher payments will take up to 5 working days to reach us.
Below are some of the more frequently used childcare scheme providers with our unique reference. If the setting postcode does not register please try HR1 3LD which is our office address.
Sodexo details: 844074
Computershare details: 0023236016
Edenred details: P21040144
Apple Childcare details: CA00011818
Fideliti details:
Childcare Grant Scheme: 4839997
Government tax-free childcare scheme details: Search for All Stars at St Paul's, HR1 1UX (there is not a specific Holmer one and we are not the pre-school)

Must know Info
Whether you're booking in for our Activity Camp at Holmer Academy, or Ultimate Creative Camp at St Paul's School there is some essential information you must know. The first of which, is making sure you have the contact number for the camps:
Activity Camp, Holmer: 07931 453 138
Creative Camp, St Paul's: 07903 729 655
We use the main reception for both schools so please head there for drop off and collection, unless we say otherwise.
For Holmer Academy, please park in the retail park and walk across to the school using the pedestrian crossing,
Parent/Carer FAQs
What ages do you take?Despite our booking system using calendar age, we operate in school years. This means the youngest child we can take is 4 years old, however, they MUST be attending reception at school. This is a requirement of our Early Years registration with Ofsted and is not flexible. The oldest children we take are in year 8 at school, meaning they are a maximum of 13. We do have flexibility at this age, often when it comes to children with SEND who will benefit from attending an additional year.
My child has a SEND, can they attend?We endeavour to be inclusive and have experience with plenty of children that have required a little more assistance to maximise their day. We have a dedicated SENCO and some of our staff have specialist training such as 'autism awareness'. If you are concerned please get in touch with us and we can talk through how a day at camp might work. The only two aspects we struggle to offer is when your child may need consistent one on one support or specialist assistance.
What hours do you operate?The main camp runs from 9am to 4pm with the option to book early drop off from 8.05am and book late pick up until 5pm. Is it possible to collect your children slightly earlier although we prefer, for both the coaches and your children, for them to stay with us until 4pm when they've completed the day's activities and potentially received a Star reward. If you need to drop off or collect after 9am and before 4pm please let us know in advance as the camp doors are closed between these times and it the coaches/manager are busy it may take time to receive you.
Cancellation and sicknessWe will always refund at least 50% of booking fee if given 48 hours notice; meaning a change in circumstances or long term illness is protected. Due to limited spaces, staff and equipment costs any notice under 48 hours will be unlikely to be refunded unless their are exceptional circumstances. When you book, payments are due within two weeks of booking (unless booking within two weeks of the start date of the camp). You will always receive a 95% refund* if you need to change dates or cancel up to two weeks prior to the start of the camp. After this refund decrease to 75% within a week and then 50% as mentioned previously. *Please be aware that childcare voucher payments are not able to be refunded.
What do we need to bring?Each day your child will need to have active wear; this means clothes that they can freely run around in, including sturdy footwear such as trainers. They will need a sports cap drinks bottle and also lunch, unless you wish to book lunch with us. Please consider the weather and pack wellies and a coat if required. You'll also need to keep an eye out for updates as during the warmer months we often bring out the water pistols and slip and slides so children will need swim kit and a towel too. Take note of any details/dates sent out in the camp information which will give you any additional kit requirements.
Drop off and collectionFor both Holmer Academy and St Paul's, head to the main reception for drop off. If using Holmer Academy, please park in the retail park opposite and walk across as the car park is not big enough for 100 parents to come into it. When dropping off your children in the morning please speak to the coaches if you have any queries, need to confirm your collection password, need to complete additional forms (such as administering medicine) or have medication to hand over. When collecting please have your collection password memorised. This is especially important if different parents drop off and collect. Upon collection we suggest doing a quick check that your child has all their belongings - jumpers and coats usually being the main lost culprits.
Lunch and breaksEach day will usually include two breaks (one 15 minute and one 10 minute) as well as a 30 minute lunch break. We suggest packing snacks for both breaks as well as a well balanced lunch. Lunches are available with us for £3.60 per day. Lunches need to be booked in advance as we use an external caterer. Children will also get a choice of fruit and snack during breaktime.
Does my child need to do every activity?We don't force children to participate but it's worth reinforcing with them that they'll enjoy their day much more if they do. Our sessions change every 50 minutes and we often give choice to overcome a child feeling this way. We check on children and keep a specific eye out for children that don't seem engaged so that we can support them. If you are concerned about your child's participation, please let us know.
Behaviour ManagementThe camp runs much more smoothly when all participants maintain an acceptable level of discipline. We try and encourage positive behaviour through our reward system. We also consider the reasons behind undesirable behaviour, such as attention seeking or the activity being too easy, and adapt to meet the needs of each individual while maintaining high standards. If bad or dangerous behaviour persists the Camp Manager will be informed and you may be contacted to discuss an action plan.
Allergy ManagementIf your child has an allergy we will ask you to complete an Allergy management plan. This forms enables us to manage your child's condition, understand the severity and have strict processes in place should we need to action them. As a precaution against the most common and often severe allergy we do not use or allow nuts into our holiday camps.
Complaints ProcedureWe have a full documented complaints procedure which is both available electronically and at our camp venues. At both venues we also have a complaints book. If you have a concern with any aspect of the holiday camps please speak to one of the coaches or the Camp Manager. If you feel your concern hasn't been resolved please get in touch with or ask to be contacted by the Camp Director. Should you feel your concerns have not been dealt with you can escalate your concern to Ofsted, quoting our setting number.
I need more informationIf you would like to take a look at any of our policies we would be more than happy to send you an electronic copy, or alternatively you can browse through them during drop off or colleciton.
What sports do you offer?Each sport is lead by a coach with experience in that sport and therefore enables them to give coaching points throughout the sessions. Football, Archery*, Rugby, Netball, Unihoc, Tennis*, Softball, Amercian Football, Basketball*, Rounders, Lacrosse, Tchouckball, Table Tennis*, Handball, Volleyball, Cricket and Gymnastics* *Depending on equipment availability
What craft sessions do you do?Our instructors have a huge range of craft materials and come up with new crafts every day based on the weeks theme. Craft activities include: Collage, Mask masking, Candle Making, Modelling, Painting, Origami, Robot making, Noodle art, Pop up puppets, Textile design, Clay work
What games do you play?Everyone in camp is able to get involved in our multitude of games which are designed to engage full involvement and teamwork. Ice breakers, Dodgeball, Bib Tag, Playground games, Frisbee, Nerfball, 40-40 in, Orienteering, Parachute, Tag Kabaddi, Escape from Alcatraz, Keep up Challenges, Scatch, Mega Moves, as well as some slightly different 'games' such as Eating Competitions and the Gameshow!
What are highlight activities?We normally squeeze this lot in once per week: Lego and Lego Stop Motion Movie A fantastically creative session where children get to play with thousands of bricks both in free play and competition building. The older children will also get to build movie sets and use our tablets to direct their own stop motion movie! Cookery Our sessions enable children to have their cake and eat it - after they've been guided through the process of course picking up on seizing, mixing, beating and measuring skills along the way. We always make sure the cookery sessions feed into out weekly theme too - especially exciting during Halloween. Quad Bikes Our new electric quad bikes have three speed settings allowing us to help participants master the basics before moving on to a full on thrill ride. Hero Blast Laser tag has just been stepped with these hero blast taggers that give participants the chance to choose between one of three heroes before entering battle. Archery Tag A new activity for 2017 sees the use of safe, foam tipped arrows in a dodgeball style match where teams try to eliminate their opposition through shooting them with bows and arrows. Archery Our qualified Archery instructors will be teaching participants how to use both recurve and compound bows with the aim of hitting gold by the end of the sessions. Inflatables We have a selection of inflatables including our bouncy castle, terror slide and new pirate ship inflatable. Zorbs Bumping and bashing fun; these bubbles can be used in team games such as bubble football or used to front flip or roll about. Fortnite/Nerf The online game that swept the nation in 2018 is coming offline with our Frotnite/Nerf activity. Children will run around an area looking for Nerf guns to defeat their opposition.
What's the Friday Fiesta?Each Friday, during the last session of the day, we hold the Friday Fiesta. We invite all the children to dress in the style of the theme of the week and the coaches always dress up too. We have party games, dance, win loads of sweets (they've usually deserved it) and have a sample of our cookery. It's a fantastic way to round off a brilliant week.
You offer one night camping too?During the warmer weeks we give the opportunity for those aged 8 and above to attend a one night camp at the All Star Activity Centre. The centre provides tented accommodation with indoor dining and wash facilities. The site has a 6 a-side football pitch, volleyball pitch, play frames, willow maze and obstacle course, as well as plenty of open space. We're also able to utilise our purpose built paintball pitch for an exclusive session playing paintball. Our low impact .50cal Paintball guns don't leave big bruises so after playing children can still enjoy a 'good nights sleep'. We provide two course evening meal, 'late night' snacks and breakfast. Transport to the Activity Centre is included in the overnight price of £30 per child (15% off for siblings). Collection is at 9am on Saturday morning from the Centre. The camping option is one of our favourites as it affirms friendships made throughout the week, gives children a chance to let loose in a different, safe environment and of course gives parents the night off! Coaches have a night rota and are able to be contacted throughout the night if required. The Activity Centre is located off Wyatt Road, HR1 3BX, 5 miles North of Hereford.
Early drop off and late collectionDuring these times children have a little more autonomy in their activites. We have quieter activities such as colouring, Uno and board games as well as more physical activities such as ball games and skipping. Occasionally we break out activities such as remote control cars.
Coronavirus precautionsTo reduce the risk of transmission at our camps we have adopted the following precautions: All staff have taken an infection prevention course Full PPE is available to staff when in close proximity/care situations All parents are not allowed in the school building, drop off at social distance and are asked to wear a face mask Children use anti-bacterial hand sanitiser before entering the school and either hand their hands or use sanitiser between activities Children are put into bubble groups and equipment is either not shared with other groups or cleaned thoroughly between groups Each group has it's own toilet and wash basin Additional cleaning rotas have been drawn up for each site
How can you pay?You are able to pay for your child's place at the time of booking or up to a two weeks after your order is placed. Places will be cancelled if we do not receive payment by this point to allow others to book. Bookings made within two weeks of the camp* should be paid for at the time of booking. Our merchant account is through Stripe. They accept all major credit/debit cards. You are also able to pay via bank transfer and childcare vouchers. *This is the first day of the camp rather than the first day you book.
Childcare vouchersWe accept most childcare vouchers including the government childcare scheme, Sodexo, Computershare, Caboodle, Edenred, Busy Bees. To find us please use the follwoing details and let us know if we're not there. All Stars at St Paul's. HR1 1UX All Stars at Holmer. HR4 9RX All Star Activities. HR1 3LD
February Half Term

Theme of the week: World of Books
Featuring activities based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, George's Marvelous Medicine and The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, children will get to take part in some epic challenges and twists of our usual sports and games. Whether children prefer to make their own chocolate bar or make Grandma's head smash through the roof, this is going to be a great week.
Easter Holidays - Activity Camp

Theme of the week one: Easter
Theme of the week two: Jurassic
Featuring some fantastic activities throughout the two weeks, combining sports, games and arts and crafts with trips and cookery activities.
Easter Holidays - Ultimate Creative Camp

Create Camp 25th to 28th March
Lego Camp 2nd to 5th April
Our Specialist Camps provide a great opportunity for children to get stuck into some bigger projects. Unlike the multi-activity camp, the specialists camps have less children, are slightly quieter and have more focus on specialised activities.
It's not all about the indoor static stuff though; this camp still has plenty of action with a variety of games as well as Egg Hunts and Lego Scavenger tasks.
May half term

Theme of the week: Summers coming (we hope)
This short holiday camp will still features loads of the childrens favourite activities, including dodgeball, gameshows and cookery on top of a packed itinerary of sports and craft activities.
If the weather heats up we may even be able to get the slip and slide out - this will be scheduled for Thursday.
Summer Holidays - Activity Camp

The summer holidays is the crescendo of our season, with months of planning going into the activities, making them as fun and immersive as possible. Some fantastic activities await, including trips and water play.
Week 1 theme: Superheros
Week 2 theme: Clash of Colours + midweek camping
Week 3 theme: Pirates
Week 4 theme: Clash of Colours + midweek camping
Week 5 theme: Disney + Star Wars
Week 6 theme: Clash of Colours + midweek camping
Highlight activities, trips and dress-up days are listed on the tabs; each day there is a choice of sport or art.
Summer Holidays - Ultimate Creative Camp

Our Ultimate Creative Camp provides a great opportunity for children to get stuck into some bigger projects. Unlike the multi-activity camp, the creative camp has less children, are slightly quieter and have more focus on specialised activities such as crafts, cookery and Lego.
It's not all about the indoor static stuff though; this camp still has plenty of action with a variety of games as well as scavenger hunts and day trips.
Each day children will get to choose between craft activities and Lego building - will they be creating their own dinosaur out of craft rolls or building Jurassic Park Lego sets?
This camp runs for 5 weeks between 22nd July & 23rd Aug
October half term